Confidentiality Policy

At Peace Inside confidentiality is one of our primary concerns. Great care is taken to protect the privacy of our clients and we abide by the strict codes of ethics of the individual therapist’s accrediting bodies. In addition to this all our staff are contracted to abide by the confidentiality policy of Peace Inside itself. No client information is discussed outside the confines of the therapeutic relationship, or required professional supervision.

The client/therapist relationship is a protected professional relationship governed by strict boundaries set out in the codes of ethics of all professional accrediting bodies. None of our staff are permitted to engage in, or begin a personal relationship of any kind with our clients for a period of time as set out in the codes of ethics to which they are committed or for a period of not less than 3 years from the end of the client’s time with us . The exception to this being where a client of the centre may have a pre-existing relationship with a therapist/staff member who they will not be working with therapeutically. In this instance a rigid boundary will be placed such that the person with whom the client has the relationship will be excluded from such activities that may put this boundary in jeopardy, such as professional supervision that may be conducted in a group format.

We will not search, follow or otherwise engage with our clients on their personal social media accounts. Nor will we search for any online or other information about our clients. It is our policy that should a client have had some information concerning them in the press, online, or otherwise published we will encourage the client to inform us, directly, of any such information. Our intention would be to work with the client regarding this content and to explore their feelings around it in a safe, secure manner that respects their rights to self disclose. Should a therapist be already aware of any such content this will be addressed, respectfully, within the confines of the therapeutic relationship.

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We will not, instigate any acknowledgement of the client outside the confines of Peace Inside. This is not to be impolite but we are aware that sometimes this can place the client in an uncomfortable position of possibly having to explain to a third party where they know us from. If the client wishes to say hello we will be happy to acknowledge them in return while always respecting the protected nature of the therapeutic relationship.

In our offices we ask that each client respects the privacy of any other client that they may come in contact with whether they know each other or not. Our offices do have a reception area and while every effort will be made to prevent any cross-over of clients this may not always be possible. Please be mindful that each client will have different boundaries around their attendance of therapy and while one may be comfortable with it, this does not imply that another will have the same feelings, each are valid and due respectful consideration. The space of Peace Inside is designed to appreciate the safety and security of each individual and their individual process, we ask that everyone attending our offices does their utmost to be mindful of this process.

Our commitment is to providing a welcoming,  comfortable, secure space. Should anything arise during your time with us that negatively impacts  your sense of this, please make one of us aware of it, the receptionist, your therapist, the Managing/Clinical Director, so that we may address it appropriately.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy-Peace Inside-Find your Centre- Counselling and Psychotherapy Services Galway city-Wellbeing.

Our cancellation policy is designed to encourage the consistent attendance of appointments, ensure that no potential clients miss out on the opportunity of services through unused appointment times and to protect the income of our therapists.  

If the client cancels less than 48 hours in advance of their session or does not show up for their appointment, then they will be charged for the full rate of the session (except in extreme life-threatening circumstances).
***Please ask your therapist for their own cancellation policy.
Therapy is most effective with regular attendance. While we appreciate that sometimes unforeseen circumstances do arise meaning that a session may be missed, if absences are repeated regularly then this will be explored in the following appointments and the contract may be ended.


Peace Inside and all its practitioners are dedicated to providing outstanding mental health services. Please note that all therapists of the centre work as independent sole traders with their own policies, contracts and work ethics according to their professional accreditation body.

Peace Inside does not assume liability or has no legal responsibility for the work carried out by the practitioners.

Website Terms of Use and Social Media Policies

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Peace Inside’s online presence includes ownership of a website, a LinkedIn account, an Instagram account, a Facebook account and a Pinterest account.

All the information shared on this website and across our social media channels is for general purposes only.

It is not, nor is it intended to be, therapy or psychological advice, nor does it constitute a client-therapist relationship. You should not rely upon this content or informational material as a basis for making any diagnosis.

Please contact us or another mental health service/professional for individual advice regarding your own personal health and well-being.

Users Rules of Conduct

Peace Inside operates under the principles of equity, diversity, pluralism of ideas and opinions and with an unwavering commitment and respect for such principles.

Our goal is to create a community that respects diversity and freedom of opinions allowing each member to express their views freely and without fear of judgement or criticism. Our purpose is to create on online community that produces beneficial and thought provoking discussions concerning mental health and overall wellness.

We must acknowledge the limits and risks of social media, and how some postings may affect someone’s emotional state or inner peace and additionally our company’s ethos, public image, and/or core values. We maintain the right to remove any type of content that is unsuitable, inappropriate, or that may include any kind of discriminatory or defamatory remarks, harassment and/or threats of violence or similar inappropriate conduct that does not comply with the relevant legislation or to Peace Inside’s ethics, values, morals or principles. Such behaviour will not be tolerated and contributors are responsible for the legal risk they may take.

Please keep the following in mind when engaging with our posts or writing your comments.

– Please be polite and respectful to other members, followers or authors of the article/post when writing your comments and opinions. Keep in mind that no matter if you might disagree with someone’s post/article/comment they are people like you, and they deserve, equally, your respect.

– It is not permitted for users to post any photos/videos/links that have or lead to inappropriate or defamatory content. Peace Inside has the right to delete such postings/comments and block the author of them from all of our social media accounts and to enact their legal rights. Users are responsible for the risks they take.

– It is not allowed to post any type of direct or indirect commercial promotion/advertising. These comments/links will be deleted. Our community has the goal of producing beneficial and helpful discussions concerning mental health, it is not a place for any type of advertising.

– Users are encouraged to bring any content, post, comment they consider offensive, disrespectful, or objectionable to our attention using the Contact us form expressing the reasons why they think this material should be removed.

Our hope is that everyone who engages with our social media community finds that it enriches their lives in some small way. Should you be affected by any of our posts/articles please consider one of the resources on our Resources page, or indeed feel free to get in touch with us.

CCTV Policy

We are located in a building that contains office spaces and residential apartments. For the security of the tenants, staff and visitors to the building the owner of the building has paced a CCTV camera at the entrance door to the building. This camera is operated in full compliance with GDPR regulations. Individuals have the right to access their personal data including their image in CCTV recordings. Such requests must include the date, time and location where the image was recorded, ID may be required. In relation to third party requests: Access requests by AN Garda Síochána shall be processed where such processing is necessary and proportionate for preventing, investigating or prosecuting criminal offences. Disclosure of  information to othet third parties is made in strict accordance with the purposes of the system and is limited to the following authorities:- CCTV Administrator, Legal or insurance representatives of data subjects and CCTV companies for service/repair.

The CCTV policy can be viewed in full here

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Peace Inside - Counselling and Psychotherapy services in Galway City-Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre

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